Friday, May 24, 2013

Fabulous Friday

It's Fabulous Friday!!

It’s Fabulous Friday!! What have you done fabulous this week. What do you plan to do today, this weekend or next week?
  • This week, I taught my first exotic chair class!! It’s crazy 2 ½ months ago I couldn't walk; now I’m teaching fitness classes. If that’s not fabulous I don’t know what is!! It’s a blessing to be functioning again. Born To Dance and Fitness Studio

World MS Day
Don't forget forget Wednesday is World MS Day! and guess what what!? The focus is Young people!! (Alabama- Mississippi chapter) So wear Orange! Be young and wild and free!!!   

You can inspire the world by participating in World MS Day's What's Your Motto Campaign   All you have to do is go to the previous link and follow the steps! Here's mine!

Here's my entry to What's your motto

You can also support by becoming an activist! Be An Activist! As activists, we draw on our personal experiences-on what we passionately believe needs to change-and devote that energy toward supporting policies and programs that move us toward our common goal of a world free of multiple sclerosis.

Here’s how:
1.       Follow and engage with the MS Activist Blog at:
2.       Join the Action Alert Network to stay informed about legislation that matters at:
3.        Tell people about how MS has impacted your life-and how we can cooperate to change things for the better-in person, on social media, in a letter to your local editor, and more!

Okay so it’s memorial day weekend and I know you all have some BIG plans! What are they? Tell me how you are going to be Fabulous With MS this week!! 

Friday, May 17, 2013


It's Fabulous Friday! Comment and tell us what you will do fabulous today, this weekend, or this week! You never know who your "fabulousness" may encourage. :)

Make me Chic
I'll start first. Well I will tell you what I did Fabulous this past week first. I had the honor of giving away a scholarship on behalf of The National MS Society ! This was such an honor.

 Fabulous for this weekend, I plan to hang out with some girlfriends. Who knows what we will get in to. Maybe we will hit the club. Oh and I will wear heels!!

Something Fabulous for the upcoming week is I plan to attend the Universoul Circus!! It seldom comes to my city so this will be a real treat!

Universoul Circus!

Your turn!! What will you do Fabulous!?

Friday, May 10, 2013

It's Fabulous Friday!!! Comment and tell us how you will Live the Fabulous Life With MS this weekend/week!!!

Fabulous Friday!!!

Okay everyone; this is the first Fabulous Friday! What will you do fabulous today, this weekend or sometime this week? We really want to hear all about it.

 I’ll start first. Some people think that once they get diagnosed, life as they know it is over. So, as some of you may know; I used to dance.

 Today I am going to Born to Dance and Fitness Studio’s Girls night out dance, chair and vertical class! How fabulous is that!! I thought I told ya’ll; MS won’t stop my groove!

How Will you be Fabulous?!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Who Says a Cane can't be Fashionably Fabulous

So. I have decided to make walking canes, wheel chairs and walking assistance tools Fabulous!

 I first thought of this during my last relapse. Before the relapse, I planned a trip to Miami, Florida. I have never been to Miami and had already bought my plane ticket so; I was determined to get to Miami; relapse or no relapse. EVEN IF IT MEANT LIMPING IN A BIKINI, WITH A CANE, ON THE BEACH! (lol)
 (I've learned, you have to laugh at yourself when you have MS) 
 I was blessed to be well enough to walk without assistance before the trip but it got me thinking. If I had to use a cane; what kind would I use? Would I use those plain black ones, or those silver ones, the wooden ones? Would I use a Walker? During the relapse unfortunately I had to be pushed in a wheelchair part of the time but I thought; if I needed a wheelchair permanently, would I use this same old boring one? The answer to these questions was heck no! I still need to be “Fab”. So I researched canes on Amazon and behold bejeweled, animal print, and colorful canes!

Check these out that I found on Google

 I could have been fabulous with a cane, on the beach, in a bikini if need be!  Believe it or not there are a few celebrities who have used canes as accessories. Here is a photo of Rihanna with a cane and on the right Brooke Shields!

Brooke Shields
 She even has a music video “You Da One” where she has a cane. Back in the day pimps use to have canes a part of their outfit like they were watches or something!

I researched bejeweled wheelchairs unfortunately, I did not find any. However! That does not mean we can’t make them exist! So, I have a love affair with hot glue guns and hot glue guns love rhinestones! If you want to jazz up your wheelchair or customize your own cane or walker instead of buying one already bejeweled; just get some rhinestones from Wal-Mart or Amazon Rhinestones , a hot glue gun also from Walmart or a dollar store, plug it up and get to work!

 It’s fun and inexpensive. You don’t have to stop at rhinestones either! What about ribbon, fabric, studs or buttons? The sky is the limit. Go where ever your imagination takes you! If you have fine motor skill problems with your hands; I suggest you get a friend or family member help you with your project though. I would hate if you burned yourselves.

Last but not least. Do not be ashamed of your MS! Do not ashamed if you need assistance! Remember you have The Fabulous Life With MS! MS does not have you! 

PS: I want to start some thing called Fabulous Friday! Every Friday I would like you all to comment on any post and tell me and our brothers and sisters in MS how you will be Fabulous the weekend or the following week. Even if you don't have MS and you just support the people fighting it! Tell us all about it! :)