Tuesday, August 13, 2013

MS Care Bag

MS CARE BAG! Yes you need one...

Hello all of you Fabulous MS warriors. I haven’t posted in a while because of a SERIOUS relapse I just had its been about a month and  a half and I am still trying to recover. This was the worst relapse I have ever had requiring me to spend about a week in the hospital and transfer to UAB Hospital for further observation. (they feared I had a stroke) I could not walk, talk , swallow, had numbness and tingling, facial paralysis and chronic crying. While I was lying in the hospital with nothing to do but think, I thought, “I sure wish I had some of my own things packed in case of a time like this”. Which has led to this post! After this experience, I believe everyone needs a MS care bag. (especially us females) Well first thing’s first, you need a bag. I would choose a cute one. Maybe your favorite color, so you feel positive when you see it. Try walmart or target, Ross if there is one in your city. At the time of the relapse I had my cycle. So #1 on my list is Pads!

1. Pads or sanitary napkins (the pads in the hospital weren’t so good) or tampons

2. panties

3. your favorite bath soap or body wash

4. deodorant

5. snacks : jello, granola bars etc. (you can probably pack those IF you relapse so they don’t spoil

6. Hair ties, brush, comb

7. comfortable change of clothes, shoes, socks

8. blanket
9. tooth brush and paste

10. your favorite lotion

11. entertainment :books, ipad, music

12. you may not be able to  pack it but A Loved One

These are a few of the things I felt I needed. I’m sure you can think of a million other things. if so comment with the things you feel you need. Someone may need the same thing.

UPDATE: Can you say healing! severe facial paralysis and numbness (far left) A little better (middle) Im Back!!! (right)