You’ll be surprised what you can do with your RIGHT HAND if you’re LEFT HANDED and your LEFT HAND if you’re RIGHT HANDED!!!
…Don’t give up and don’t take “it’s not working right” for an answer
Okay so, I had a recently had a relapse and could not use my right side and of course I am right handed. So, I could barely use silverware without dropping food everywhere, couldn't brush my teeth or my hair, you can just imagine the other things I couldn't do. (lol) But dear God the worst part… I couldn't do my makeup!!!
This relapse lasted a while. (I still have not fully
recovered) One day I just got fed up! I was tired of looking “sick” and I
decided, “I’m doing my makeup today!” and I did it entirely with my left hand!!
It was then that I realized that I could teach myself to be ambidextrous! I
practiced my makeup with my left hand daily. Though it wasn't my best work the
first couple times; it was decent. I taught myself to write with my left hand
(sloppy but legible), brush my teeth with my left hand, eat and those other
things I mentioned that you imagine.
My point is, never take no for an answer. You have MS. Don’t
let MS have you. The human body is amazing! Don’t underestimate what it is
capable of. Though you may have plaque on your brain, my doctor informed me
that in many cases, your body will figure out another way of communicating what
you are trying to do. I Know MS affects everyone differently but for those of
you who have trouble with your hands and such, this is for you.
Some of the things I did to try to teach myself to be
ambidextrous were writing my alphabet, doing more things with my left hand, and
I plan to buy one of those tracing alphabet and shapes books for kids.
Basically everything I did to learn how to use my hand I use naturally.
Now I can do a lot of things with my left hand that I couldn't do before! Give it a try and comment below! Tell me about your success!
Jessica, I'm so happy to have found you after losing touch after so many years! A lot of things have happened, and I'd really like to see you if possible... I found your blog on MS by happen chance and recognized you immediately. You look so beautiful, and I'm so happy to see that you have finished college. Very very proud of your accomplishments.
ReplyDeleteI'm really not that far from you and live in Columbia, Tenn. You should be able to see my ID via Google. I'm leery of posting it here due to spam etc.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I am soooo sorry Jack.But Will you please remind me of where I know you from?